πͺThe BitBull Token
$BBB serves as the official utility token for BitBull Bot.
Token Name: BitBull Bot
Symbol: $BBB
Total Supply: 100,000,000 $BBB
Liquidity Pool (LP): 15 ETH
Transaction Taxes:
Buy Tax: 5%
Sell Tax: 5%
$BBB is a cryptocurrency token with a total supply of 10 million tokens. It has a liquidity pool (LP) of 15 ETH, which means that a 92% of $BBB tokens are paired with 15ETH to provide liquidity for trading on Uniswap. (8% airdrops for influencers)
These revised tax percentages allocate 3% for development and 3% for marketing, helping fund ongoing development and marketing initiatives for the $BBB project, ensuring its long-term sustainability and growth in the cryptocurrency market.
Last updated